Sunday, September 2, 2012

Gazania flowers pictures.

Flowering Period:  June through October
Growing Conditions:  Well-drained soil in a sunny area.  Very low-maintenance plant.
Height:  Grows 8 inches tall.
Spacing:  Plant 12 inches apart.
Light:  Full sun.
Gazania Aztec', known commonly as "Treasure Flowers" is a rhizomatous perennial herb native to South Africa. Sunshine Mix is a complex hybrid between a number of species. Plants have a compact mounding habit and will reach 12 inches (30 cm) tall and wide. Dark green, glabrous leaves are lanceolate or obovate-lanceolate and sometimes pinnatifid to 6 inches (15 cm) long, with a white tomentose underside. Sunshine Mix can have as many as 5 colors per bloom; colors include cream, yellow, orange, pink and red in a combination of rings and stripes. They are great plants for the rock garden or containers. They are hardy in USDA zone 9-10 where they are perennial and in all other zones they should be treated as annuals.
Blooming: In the greenhouse and in the landscape, the plant will bloom in 12 weeks from seed. The 4 inch (10 cm) flowers open daily. The blooming period is very long--up to the first frost here in Oklahoma. They are very showy.
Culture:Gazania rigens  'Sunshine Mix' need full sun to light shade and prefer a well drained soil mix. In the landscape, they will not tolerate heavy clay soils. In the greenhouse,  use a soil mix for containers that consists of 1 part peat moss to 2 parts loam to 1 part coarse sand. The plants are well watered and allowed to dry before watering again. In the landscape, these plants are very drought tolerant. We fertilize plants in container once during the growing season with a balanced fertilizer. It has been my experience that too much fertilizer and water give a lot of lush growth, but at the expense of flowers. In the landscape, we do not fertilize the plants at all. I have grown these plants both in container and the landscape and you cannot get a better performer for our very hot summers here in zone 7. Although they are treated as annuals here, plants grown in containers under lights will bloom all winter long. Watering during this period is very critical; water should be restricted to once a week and plants should be allowed to dry thoroughly before watering again.
Flowering and structure plant - tough, low growing perennial, blooms repeatedly, all year in warm climate, from early spring to autumn in colder climate with brilliant colors, drought, heat and wind tolerant, attracts bees and buterflies, easy to grow.
Perfect for mass planting, bedding, edging, front of a border, rock gardens, seaside gardens, containers 

Gazania are excellent plants for hot, sunny locations.  Flowers close up in the shade, at night, and on cloudy days.  The low-growing Gazania offers a wide array of colors for these daisy-like flowers with dark ringed centers.  The silvery foliage has a tendency to spread.  Use in mass plantings or as a ground cover.  Also good for edging, beds, rock gardens and containers.
The Daybreak Series features brightly colored flowers with a dark contrasting center ring.