Friday, July 13, 2012

Cherry Blossom pictures.

 The Asian cherry blossom tree is not indigenous to Japan or Asian countries. These trees are found growing in North America as well. There are many ways in which the Asian cherry blossom is interpreted, that inspires poets to sing about their beauty. Its meaning is different in the both Chinese as well as Japanese culture. This is because these two cultures are wide apart and the significance this flower holds in both countries is different. Let us have a look at the meaning of this tree according to the Chinese as well as Japanese culture.
 Cherry Blossom Meaning in Japan
The Japanese cherry blossom is interpreted as 'transient of life'. This is because the cherry blossom tree has short blooming periods and are very fragile. There is an old story attached to cherry blossoms that values sacrifice. It is said, that there is an Jiu-roku-zakura (the Cherry tree of the Sixteenth day), in the Iyo district. This tree grew on the lands of a Samurai for over a hundred years. When the Samurai became old, the tree began to die. The Samurai was very sad-looking at his cherished tree die. He was a brave and honorable man. Thus, he thought up of a way to save the tree's life. He sat under the tree and committed the ritual suicide under the tree. This act gave the essence of the Samurai's life to the tree. The tree within one hour of the Samurai's death, on the 16th day of the month, began to blossom flowers and continues to live even today. Thus, the cherry blossom tree meaning holds many spiritual beliefs. These beliefs are set in deep within the fundamental teachings of Buddha.
 Cherry Blossom Tree Maintenance Tips
Though generally, cherry blossom trees do not require almost any fertilizer, it�s a good idea to apply when you first plant, and after that, just once every year in the spring once you can first start to see new growth. Make sure to use a slow-release fertilizer and that the NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potassium) amounts have a 15-9-12 balance. Otherwise, natural compost and organic matter like manure, blood and bone work well.
You should also prune cherry blossom tree branches once a year, though you�ll not want to chop it completely down to a stump. Instead, when the weather is dry in the winter before new growth begins, simply remove any dead branches or twigs that are crowding one another while making sure that the tree maintains an overall vase-like shape. Droopy branches hanging anywhere below two feet above the ground should be trimmed, as branches that reach near or to the ground can make the tree vulnerable to damage and disease. Any diseased fruit or leaves should be removed as promptly as possible and then burned to eliminate any insect larvae or diseased spores.
Cherry blossom trees are very prone to fungal diseases caused by both overly dry and humid environments, and they often see problems and pests that include brown rot, cherry fruit flies, cherry leafspot, wood borers, cherry slugs and bacterial canker. It is wise to apply Bordeaux spray during the winter to avoid fungal diseases, and you can kill wood borers (which you can tell are there if you see little holes throughout the bark) by sticking wires in their bored holes or injecting insecticide into them and plugging up with putty. Cherry slugs can be dealt with by spraying a Derris solution on the tree.                                                                                            Cherry Blossom Meaning in China
The cherry blossom signifies power in China. A cherry blossom in Chinese culture is a symbol of feminine dominance. It indicates female beauty and sexuality. Its meaning in China according to the language of herbs is love. Therefore, it is given as a gift in China as a symbol of love.
 Cherry blossom trees with their pink and white blooms and delicate branches are one of the most beautiful ways you can welcome the beginning of spring in your outdoor area. Though they can sometimes be challenging to grow and don�t thrive outside of USDA zones five through eight, there exist a few different varieties to choose from that may be better suited to your climate and soil.

Planting Cherry Blossom Trees
When choosing a location for planting cherry trees, make sure that the area is on more of a slope and is shielded from wind. Cherry blossom trees are very sensitive to frost, and if planted on higher ground, frost has less room to settle and build around the trees. Full sun exposure is an absolute necessity for growing and maintaining cherry trees, and they prefer a soil that is moist, deep, and well-drained.
Cherry blossom trees should avoid being planted near or in turf grass so as not to compete for nutrients. Also, avoid the possibility for potential standing water pools as much as possible, as cherry blossom trees are very vulnerable to moisture. It�s best to plant a cherry tree seedling or plant from a local nursery, because most likely, the species that they�ll have there are better suited to your area and USDA zone.
Once you�re ready to plant, you�ll want to dig a hole half the size of the plant base. Then, gently loosen the roots of your seedling or plant and place inside so that the trunk is not exposed. About three inches of your plant should be above soil level. With regards to the soil to backfill your hole, cherry trees can take a variety of pH levels, but it will depend on the type of cherry blossom tree you have and the area you live in. Generally, however, clay is best, though they can tolerate a sandy soil if there is proper irrigation. After filling in the soil, water well and let the soil dry completely before watering again. Keep in mind that cherry blossom trees can reach beyond 30 feet high and can have anywhere from a 25 to 40 foot spread, so at the very least, you should plant each tree a minimum of 18 feet apart
In the first year, you should water your cherry blossom tree about once every week so that the top 12 to 18 inches of soil are moist. In the year after that, you can reduce waterings to once every two or three weeks, though this may not apply during particularly dry and hot weather. If your tree has an especially hard time retaining moisture, you can line a three inch-layer of shredded bark mulch around the base of it, making sure the root areas are covered and that there is at least three inches of space between the trunk and mulch.