Sunday, October 16, 2011

sweet-pea flowers.

 sweet-pea flowers, white, pink, red, purple, with green leaves.
 sweet-pea flowers in a glass as a decoration.
 wild sweet-pea flowers.
 pink sweet-pea flowers plant.
 Lathyrus odoratus ,commonly known as �sweet pea�, stands for �delicate pleasures�. The name comes from the Greek word, �lathyros�, meaning "pea" or "pulse," and the Latin word �odoratus�, meaning "fragrant" . Sweet pea belongs to the Fabaceae family being of great interest both for florists and gardeners. 
Nowadays there is a vast variety of plant�s species due to Henry Eckford, who, during the 1800s, got the name of "Father of the Sweet Pea. � He bred plenty of improvements in color, flower size, structure and texture into species, growing wild the country of their origin- Italy. Commercial sweet peas are treated after cutting to prolong their vase life, garden-cut ones may only last one or two days but commercial sweet peas can last up to a week.