Sunday, February 5, 2012

Morning Glory flowers pictures.


Morning glory was first known in China for its medicinal uses, due to the laxative properties of its seeds.
It was introduced to the Japanese in the 9th century, and they were first to cultivate it as an ornament. A rare brownish-coloured variant known as Danjuro is very popular. During the Edo Period, it became a very popular ornamental flower.
Ancient Mesoamerican civilizations used the morning glory species Ipomoea alba to convert the latex from the Castilla elastica tree[citation needed] and also the guayule plant to produce bouncing rubber balls[citation needed]. The sulfur in the morning glory's juice served tovulcanize the rubber, a process pre-dating Charles Goodyear's discovery by at least 3,000 years.[1] Aztec priests in Mexico were also known to use the plant's hallucinogenic properties. (see Rivea corymbosa).This abve article is from wikipedia.
The Morning-Glory, in the family Convolvulaceae, contains at least 50 genera and more than 1000 species. Morning-Glory flowers are one of the best flowers to decorate our fences and walls.
As the name goes, morning glory flowers are vines, which are saucer-shaped, opening at morning time.
 The Morning Glory flowers often show marks where the corolla is neatly folded or rolled up in the bud. The Morning glory flowers start to fade 2 hours before the petals start showing a visible curling.
Morning Glories prefer a full sun throughout the day. Morning Glory flowers can be as much as 8 inches across although most are around 4 inches.

Growing a Morning Glory

Before sowing the seed, nick the morning glory seed with a file to help it absorb water and germinate more quickly, or soak overnight in tepid water to soften their coats.
  • Morning Glory should be planted in full sun.
  • Soil for the Morning Glory plant should not be too fertile or moist.
  • Sow the seeds 1/2 inch deep, 8 to 12 inches apart, and give a support of twine.
  • Give 3-inch peat pots four to six weeks before the last frost is due.
  • Morning Glories do not survive transplanting.

Facts about Morning Glory

  • Morning glory vines reach a height of 10 feet or more.
  • Morning Glories have lush green foliage.
  • Some Morning glories are excellent seed voyagers.
  • Morning glory leaves are heart-shaped, 4 - 5 inches long.
  • In many species the morning glory seeds contain d-lysergic acid amide, ergoline alkaloids better known as LSA, which are poisonous in nature.
  • Morning glories produce round seed pods in clusters hanging from their vines.
  • When the Morning glory seeds mature the pods turn papery brown and become hard.
  • The mature Morning glory seeds are dark-brown to matte-black and wedge shaped.
  • The Morning glory seeds are sized between 1/8" and 1/4" long.

Caring for Morning Glories

  • Give a good support system to the upcoming vine.
  • Morning glories are favorites of sun, so do not overwater them.
  • Morning glories are excellent reseeders so once you plant them, there is no need to replant them.
  • To reduce their reseeding capability remove all the dead vines after they are killed by frost.

species of morning glories are native of tropical America. Morning Glories are also present in Asia although they also grow in subtropical and temperate regions.
Morning glory is the common name for a number of species of flowering plants in the family the Convolvulaceae, belonging to the following genera: Calystegia, Convolvulus, Ipomoea, Merremia and Rivea.
Morning glories belong to a different genera with slightly different floral, fruit and leaf characteristics but all Morning Glories produce typical funnel-shaped blossoms in white, red, blue, purple and yellow.