Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ranunculus flowers.

 Deep red ranunculus flowers.
 Double shade yellow orange ranunculus flower.
 Orange ranunculus flower.
Ranunculus or Persian buttercup is an interesting little bulb. You can see in the picture what this bulb looks like and the most important tip is before planting, try soaking the corms for about an hour in warmish water and keep them quite damp for the first few days after planting.After a few days, they are fine on their own and need no special care. Most of the bulbs you will find in stores are now hybrids of one kind or another and are good garden performers.

How to Plant Ranunculus

I note they look like an octopus with their arms hanging down from the sides. If you're concerned about such things, let these hang down when you plant them. If you're really not sure which way is up and you want to give the plant a headstart, wrap it in damp (not soaking) paper towel or a cloth and put into a plastic bag. Put this bag in the crisper of the frig and wait a few days until you see roots coming out.

Plant Details

Flower colour: white, yellow, pink, gold, orange, red and mixed
Flowering period: July - August
Average plant height: 30 - 60 cm
Planting depth to base of bulbs: 2 - 5 cm
Spacing between bulbs: 8 cm
Type of bulb: corm with fleshy thickened roots (called 'claws')

Light Requirements

Light requirements: full sun, you can give it morning shade but by noon the ranunculus has to be in full sun if you want to see blooms. If in doubt, give it more sun.

Where to Use

Landscape uses: This is a great general flower bulb for the perennial flower border and general flower beds. It also makes an excellent cut flower.

Storing Overwinter

Store the corms extremely dry and cool over the winter.

Bloom Time and Hardiness

In general, we're looking at a USDA zone 8-11 hardiness rating and spring blooming for a month (approximate).

Potted Flowers

I've received several queries about purchasing this bulb as a potted flower.

Flower length of time is roughly the same as in the ground - that is, about a month (give or take)

Will it flower all summer?
Not a chance. See above.

What do I do with it after it blooms?
Grow it like any other bulb until the foliage fades. Then see storage above until next season.