Sunday, December 18, 2011

Lavender flowers photos.

Lavender is an aromatic herb originally hailing from the Mediterranean. The genus name, meaning to wash, alludes to the ancient custom of scenting bathwater with oil of lavender or a few lavender flowers. These perennials tend to be shrubby, usually with square stems and narrow evergreen leaves that are white and woolly when young. Flower spikes are terminal clusters of lavender or dark purple flowers, blooming in late June and bearing a pleasing scent.
  Lavender plants want full sun and well-drained, sandy soil-- preferably non acidic. In areas where there is no snow cover, the plants should be mulched. In colder areas, prune back the dead wood in the spring.
  Lavender is perfect as a low hedge and in clumps next to rocks. It is also suitable in front of stone walls that face away from the wind.
  beautiful butterfly on lavender flowers.
 garden with beautiful lavender perennial flowers.
Scientific name: Lavandula angustifolia

Bell flowers pictures.

The plant is of considerable horticultural importance. There is hardly a group of flowers which possess such rare beauty as does the large genus of Campanulas (Bellflower).The color range runs from mostly blue, with a scattering of white and the occasional pink.  The stalks of bloom are about 2 feet, tall and they are very effective when planted with the early blooming varieties of Phlox.
 The bloom time is mid summer to late summer/early fall. Bell flowers can be grown just about anywhere, from rock gardens to woodland areas. They make good feature plants or backgrounds for roses.
 With a few exceptions, campanulas are reliable perennials requiring no special care, just a bright, sunny position and free-draining soil. The plant has average water needs. Water it regularly but do not over water. Campanulas should be given full sunlight and should not be crowded in the beds.
 The taller varieties need staking to prevent injury from the high winds. They like a good, rich soil, and in the spring a little fine manure and some bone meal should be dug around each plant. Most of the varieties, especially the taller ones, need winter protection, for if allowed to stand naturally, the heavy snows will flatten the crown of leaves to the ground, causing it to decay. Forest leaves should be packed between the plants, holding the leaves of the Campanula together with one hand. Evergreen boughs, straw or hay will serve for the dwarfed ones.
 If the flowers are cut immediately upon fading, the blooming season can be prolonged for several weeks. Campanula species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species.
Most are fairly easy culture, preferring a moderately rich, well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade.  Good drainage will ensure a large display of their bell-shaped flowers.   Keep watered in the summer and fertilize regularly.  You must dead-head flowers for continuous blooming.  Blooms July to September.