Monday, June 4, 2012

Water lily flowers images.

The water-lily is the first flower mentioned in world literature. In Asia, the flowering water-lily, called the lotus, symbolizes absolute truth and purity.

The bloom became associated with Buddha himself. The Hindus in India believe that, before its creation as we know it, the world was a golden lotus.
In the West, the water-lily flower was given the botanical name Nymphaea, referring to those Greek nature goddesses, the nymphs
These water plants, with their flowers of pink, white, and blue, often bloom only at night, their perfume spreading across the dark surface of a pond.
Meaning from The Mystical �Language of Flowers� From the Elizabethan era (Victorian era) when the meaning of flowers flourished into a form of communication.
Meanings from The First widely accepted book of flowers Meaning Le Langage Des Fleurs which was published in 1819 by Charlotte De Latour.


Blue and white water lilies were the most important cultivated ritual plant of ancient Egypt. They grew wild in ponds and in the lowlands of the Nile and were planted in all natural and artificial bodies of water. They were esteemed for their beauty, their enchanting hyacinth-like scent, their symbolism, and probably also their inebriating effects. The buds and flowers were popular head and hair ornaments. Both the living and the dead were festooned with garlands made from the plant. The garlands in the grave of the great pharaoh Ramses II (1290-1223 B.C.E.) were almost entirely of white and blue lotus. The Egyptian lotus was described by Dioscorides, who was certainly aware of the blue lotus as well.
The Blue Lotus was found scattered over Tutankhamen's body when the Pharaoh's tomb was opened in 1922. Many historians thought it was a purely symbolic flower, but there may be some reason to believe that ancient Egyptians used it to induce an ecstatic state, stimulation, and hallucinations, as well as being widely used as a general remedy against illness.
Rumored to contain apomorphine - a dopamine agonist - as well as perhaps nuciferine. Where unfounded when in 2000 at Dr. Vic Garner's laboratory for forensic analysis is Manchester, England, the Egyptian mummy Azru was the first mummy to undergo mass spectroscopy. She had no narcotics or painkillers in her. They found phytosterols, bioflavonoids, and phosphodiesterase, the active ingredient of viagra, all from blue lotus. No drug use has ever been found in ancient Egypt. Azru, is an Egyptian mummy donated to the Manchester Museum in England, in 1825. Living on the Nile, in 2700 B.C, Azru was royalty, a noblewoman of Thebes, later called Luxor, a former capital of Egypt, a chantress at Khonsu - the moon god was the son of Amon and Mut. The main temple at Karnak is dedicated to him. Three times a day she would bring food and wine with blue lotus tincture or extract, fetch garments for the gods, priests and Pharaoh, and dance and sing for the royal court. She had wealth, and her own home and servants, where she stayed until scheduled or called to the temple. There is evidence to suggest that it was a very sexually oriented society due to their pictures, writings, and religious beliefs. And, that blue lotus was historically, traditionally and effectively used, to relieve pain, increase memory, increase circulation, promote sexual desire and create a feeling of euphoria and ecstasy, without the use of narcotics.

Traditional and Ritual use:

Traditionally made into a tea or smoked to induce hypnotic and relaxation effects. Sometimes used to reach calm sensations with alterations of perception. Indeed, this flower essence's purpose is to accelerate spiritual evolvement and enhance healing on every level within the system.
In ancient Egypt, the blue lotus was closely linked to the detailed and visionary concepts of the afterlife and rebirth. Numerous buds, petals, and garlands have been found as mummy decorations and grave goods. The flower stands for the enlightened and reawakened consciousness of the deceased; it is �that lotus flower which shines in the earth�. (Book of the dead, chapter 174). In the story of the battle between Horus and Seth, the lotus flower appears as a symbol of the divine, all-seeing eye. When Seth tracks down the resting Horus beneath a tree in an oasis, he rips both eyes from the sleeper and buries them in the sand, whereupon they are transformed into lotus flowers.
Because of the mythological, cosmological, symbolic, and artistic significance of the water lily, William Emboden (1978) has suggested that the ancient Egyptians used the blue lotus for its narcotic effects to produce a shamanic ecstasy among an elite priesthood. Since the blue lotus is usually portrayed in association with mandrakes and poppy flowers, it is highly probably that these images represent an �iconographic recipe�. A psychoactive ritual drink consisting of lotus buds, mandrake fruits, and poppy capsules is entirely conceivable.

Traditional medicinal use:

The perfume of this flower was not only pleasing to the Egyptian, but they saw it as healing as well. In ancient Egypt, water lilies were prescribed to treat the liver, to remedy constipation, to counteract poisons, and to regulate the urine. Blue lotus was also used in Ancient Egypt as a key to good health, Sex and re-birth. An aphrodisiac for men and women as well as a general remedy for all illness; enhancing sexual vigor and general good health. It�s regarded as a tonic richer like ginseng, pain reliever richer than arnica, circulation stimulant richer than ginkgo biloba, and an excellent sexual stimulant; creating a feeling of well-being, euphoria and ecstasy.


Blue Lotus is Rumored to contain aporphine or apomorphine (6a-beta-aporphine-10,11- diol [Merck]) - a dopamine agonist - as well as perhaps nuciferine (1,2-dimethoxy aporphine). However, up to date, no real scientific data or pharmaceutical properties are known concerning the active constituents of this beautiful plant.

Lotus is considered a very sacred flower in India and the evidence for their affiliation with the Indian culture and Hinduism can be found from their history and ancient Indian mythology. According to the Hindu beliefs, the Lotus symbolises divinity, fertility, wealth, knowledge and  enlightenment. Although Lotus is commonly known as �Water Lily�, but in India it is known as Lotus. This aquatic plant is grown in small water bodies throughout in India and the flower floats on broad leaves.