Saturday, April 7, 2012

Hardy geranium flowers pictures.

 Finally there is Geranium sylvaticum. Its flowers are a combination of pale purple, blue and pink and the dominant colour seems to change depending on the weather and the amount of sunshine.

Geranium phaeum grows naturally in damp meadows and along the edge of woodland so does not like to dry out and prefers some shade. Geranium libani seems to have originated on lower mountain slopes , growing in deep crevices and therefore having its roots in shade. Mine does perfectly well planted at the base of an old garden roller. As this Geranium is summer dormant it does not seem to object to nearby plants drooping  over it during the rest of the year.
Geranium macrorrhizum naturally grows among rocks and scrub in mountains and is much more drought tolerant than the others. It grows anywhere in my garden.
Geranium sylvaticum likes to grow in meadows so again it prefers not to dry out.