Friday, August 3, 2012

Yellow honey suckle flowers pictures.

With its lovely fragrance, honeysuckle is one of the oldest known medicinal herbs, originating in and native to the Far East and Britain. The three main parts of the plant � the flowers, the buds and the stems � are all rich in medicinal benefits and are mainly used as a tea or as an oil.
 Easy to grow and to train up trellises as a perennial climber, the honeysuckle needs minimum care in the garden, apart from sun or partial shade, occasional watering and trimming, to reward you with its sweet smell and pretty yellow or pink flowers. The flowers can be cut for the home or used as an addition to pot-pourri.  The flowers are much loved by nectar seeking birds and butterflies.
 How to make honeysuckle tea:
� cup of honeysuckle flowers
Add to a cup of boiling water
Let it stand for 5 minutes before sipping
 The oil extracts of the herb are also useful for fighting against various infections and diseases but the pure essential oil of the honeysuckle is one of the most expensive (due to its difficult extraction) as well as being one of the most lovely to smell. Because of cost, it is usually offered blended in a very small percentage, sometimes with other essential oils. Jasmine blends particularly well with honeysuckle. Be aware that it is most likely an infused honeysuckle oil that you will find for sale.  Although infused oils are used for perfumery purposes, they do not possess the same therapeutic values.

Honeysuckle oil is a popular ingredient in the manufacture of perfumed body oils, skin lotions, soaps and other cosmetics with its sweet and calming fragrance.
-  Many cleansing and detoxifying tonics contain honeysuckle oil as it helps clear heat, wind and toxins from the blood and liver. -  The oil is used for treating sore throat, fever, skin blemishes and rashes while its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties help to remove toxins.  -  The oil is added to shampoos and conditioners to give hair a silky softness while helping to eliminate dryness and brittleness.
There are also other uses for honeysuckle: -  Honeysuckle bark induces a diuretic effect in the body, helping the body to get rid of toxins. -  The leaves of honeysuckle have astringent properties, making them an important ingredient in an infusion for use as an oral gargle and general mouthwash.
-  The flower buds can be used to treat various digestive disorders such as diarrhea or gastroenteritis that accompanies food poisoning and related complaints.
-  Honeysuckle flowers can be used to make an asthma treatment by combining equal parts flowers, honey and molasses and taking a teaspoon once in the morning and once at night.
-  Crushed leaves when warmed in hot water can be applied to wounds and sores to aid the healing process.
Just make sure that the honeysuckle has been thoroughly rinsed and dried before use.