Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Solidago flowers.

 solidago flower plant branch.
solidago belongs to the Asteraceae, Aster family being commonly named Goldenrod or Golden Fleece. The flower is widely used in garden-style arrangements and serves as great filler. It comes into hardy herbaceous perennials. The flower� hallmark are miniature yellow or whitish-yellow flowers which grow on panicled or racemed plumes.
 worker bee collecting pollen.
 solidago flowers bloomings.
The flower originates from North America, South America and Europe. Solidago�s name  comes from two Latin words �solido�, meaning "to strengthen or make whole," and �ago�, meaning "to make." The name is referred to the medicinal characteristics the flower possesses.

It is available at any season of the year. If cut it may last for 7-10 days.

This yellow-colored bloom is outstanding filler in every style of floral arrangement and design. In addition it may be dried and used as a lovely addition to any arrangements.