Sunday, April 29, 2012

Miniature roses pictures.

 Miniature roses first became popular during the 1800s, then were almost forgotten. Lately, their popularity has been growing rapidly. They are now among the most commonly hybridized of all roses.
 Description of miniature rose:Since miniature roses are available in so many different forms, defining them is difficult. Even their height is deceptive: While truly tiny miniatures rarely reach more than 6 inches, many other "miniatures" eventually grow to 3 feet. The major characteristic of this group is a combination of small flowers on thin stems and diminutive foliage. Generally speaking, they either remain or can easily be maintained at less than 18 inches in height. Their flowers can be simple, semi-double, or double; clustered or single; fragrant or odourless. They have as wide a color range as any class of rose and more growth forms, from shrubby to creeping to climbing, than any other. Most are ever blooming.
 Planting miniature rose: Spacing will depend on the eventual size of the variety chosen; 10 to 18 inches is usually adequate.

Propagating miniature rose: Miniature roses are readily reproduced by cuttings.                    
Varieties of miniature rose: Cinderella, white; Holy Toledo, copper; Lavender Jewel, lavender; Starina, orange red.
 Special needs for miniature rose: Miniature roses are probably the hardiest of the bush roses. Many survive temperatures below 0 degrees Fahrenheit, although they may be killed to the ground. However, some winter protection is recommended in colder regions. Remove faded blooms to ensure continual bloom.
Uses for miniature rose: Their small size makes miniature roses ideal for edging, mass plantings, and rock or herb gardens. They are ideal container plants and the only roses truly useful as house plants.