Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Lamium flowers.

Lamium purpureum  is the botanical name of Red Dead-nettle. It is also commonly known as Red Nettle, Red Henbit, and Red Archangel. This annual herbaceous plant originates from Europe. 
 Today it is spread throughout the world, thieving mostly in the temperate areas. The plant may be found at hedge-banks and roadsides. It belongs to the mint family.
 It bears clustered blooms coming in cues of pink, purple or white with silver-variegated foliage. The tube-like blooms are formed in whorls of 3-6 in in diameter. 
 It produces a square stem without basal leaves. The laminium�s lower leaves come in deep green having short petioles. The leaves are covered by hairs and are with toothed margins. The upper leaves are more purple-reddish and smaller in size.. 

Red dead-nettle perfectly serves as ground cover or bordering plant.