Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hyacinth flowers.

 Over time the hyacinth flower � which is a genus of roughly 30 bulbous plants � is a member of the hyacinthaceae family, though it was once considered a part of the liliaceae clan. The bulbs of this plant produce a thick, 6 to 12 inch spike. From this spike blossoms reflexed petals and waxy, bell-shaped flowers that come in colours of white, pink, red, purple, blue and various shades of orange. Hyacinths are thought to grow in three distinct categories: single, double or multiflora. Native to areas of the southern Mediterranean, these blossoms are spring-growing, and bloom their best in loose, well drained soil and warm, bright sunlight.
 The origin of the hyacinth flower is steeped in mythology. One of the better known stories tell of Apollo � who adored a young man named Hyakinthos � tiring of his usual pastimes and leaving his shrine in Delphi to play games with his earthly companion. On one such occasion, the two began a game of discus throwing. Apollo, forgetting his godly strength, threw the discus high into the heaven, where Hyakinthos attempted to catch it when it came to earth. Unfortunately, it fell and hit Hyakinthos on the head, causing him to topple to the ground, bleeding. 
 As Apollo clung to his dying friend, blood trickled from his head to the dirt below him, and from that blood, a sweet-smelling red flower blossomed. In other forms of this tale, the letters �ay� can be read on the petals of the red hyacinth, which represents the sigh of pain that came from Apollo as he cradled Hyakinthos. 
 Although the hyacinth flower was very popular during the time of ancient Romans, they fell into deep obscurity until the 16th century, when the German physician Leonhardt Rauwolf began collecting these flowers on a trip to Turkey. Since then, their popularity has both risen and fallen with the times � slowly increasing in value, then becoming a large success in English gardens between the 18th and 19th century.

In general, the hyacinth flower is a symbol of constancy; however, these blossoms represent a variety of things, from sportsmanship and a playful nature, to sincerity, forgiveness and well wishes. As a gift, these flowers can be given to represent a wish for joy and innocence in the recipient�s life; a genuine apology or a token of mercy. Although these flowers can be given as simple, single cut blooms, many people prefer to give them as large bouquets or potted plants.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Marigold flowers.

Marigolds are hardy, annual plants and are great plants for cheering up any garden. Broadly, there are two genuses which are referred to by the common name, Marigolds viz. Tagetes and Celandula. Tagetes includes African Marigolds and French Marigolds. Celandula includes Pot Marigolds.
Tagetes, Calendula
Marigolds come in different colors, yellow and orange being the most common. Most of the marigolds have strong, pungent odor and have great value in cosmetic treatment. There are many varieties of Marigolds available today.Some of the major Marigold varieties are listed below:
  • African or American Marigolds (Tagetes erecta): These marigolds are tall, erect-growing plants up to three feet in height. The flowers are globe-shaped and large. Flowers may measure up to 5 inches across. African Marigolds are very good bedding plants. These flowers are yellow to orange and do not include red colored Marigolds. The Africans take longer to reach flowering stage than the French type.
  • French Marigolds (Tagetes patula): Marigold cultivars in this group grow 5 inches to 18 inches high. Flower colors are red, orange and yellow. Red and orange bicolor patterns are also found. Flowers are smaller (2 inches across). French Marigolds are ideal for edging flowerbeds and in mass plantings. They also do well in containers and window boxes.
  • Signet Marigolds (T. signata 'pumila'): The signet Marigolds produce compact plants with finely divided, lacy foliage and clusters of small, single flowers. They have yellow to orange colored, edible flowers. The flowers of signet marigolds have a spicy tarragon flavor. The foliage has a pleasant lemon fragrance. Signet Marigolds are excellent plants for edging beds and in window boxes.
  • Mule Marigolds: These marigolds are the sterile hybrids of tall African and dwarf French marigolds, hence known as mule Marigolds. Most triploid cultivars grow from 12 to 18 inches high. Though they have the combined qualities of their parents, their rate of germination is low.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Larkspur flowers.

 The larkspur flower is frequently noted in mythology. Although the better known story of the warrior Ajax furthers the confusion between the larkspur and its sister plant, the delphinium, there are many other stories that cite this flower.
 According to one myth of a Native American tribe, this flower came into being by a curious celestial figure who ripped open the evening sky, scooped up and twisted a portion of it and created a spike. When she plunged it down to earth so as to climb down and satiate her curiosity, small blue flecks of sky adhered to it. Eventually the sun dried out the stalk, and scattered small pieces along the planet, thus creating the delicate larkspur flower.
 The larkspur flower is also said to have a good deal of use in folk remedies and magic. The flower was once used both by witches, and to protect people and animals against witches. 
  In Transylvania, dried larkspur was placed in stables to keep sorcerers from casting their spells upon the animals; in England, however, both dried and fresh larkspurs were used in protection spells, to cure ailments, and as integral ingredients in Summer Solstice celebrations.
 Commonly confused with the delphinium, the larkspur is actually a separate genus � the genus consolida. Although they are members of the same family, their structure and growth habits vary in that, unlike the delphinium, larkspurs blossom in an open, branched spike; their fruits are single instead of clustered, and they grow annually instead of perennially. Along its open spike, the larkspur flower blooms loosely in a vertical group along the top of the stalk. Their heads consist of both petals and sepals, one of which is elongated into a spur-like shape that is similar in appearance to a lark�s spiked back toe � thus the unusual name. Their colours range from white, to dark and pale pink, and lavender.
As is the case with most plants, each color of the larkspur flower has its own separate meaning. Pink generally represents fickleness, white signifies a happy-go-lucky nature, while purple is often indicative of first love and a sweet disposition. In general, though, these flowers represent an open heart, and are sometimes associated with strong romantic bonds, which is why many people give these flowers as unique gifts to both old and new lovers. Although most people give larkspurs in the form of a bouquet � usually with contrasting flowers that hold a similar message � some prefer to give a single stalk, so as to convey a clear message of a strong emotional attachment to the recipient.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Yarrow flowers.

 The yarrow flower � which is a member of the extensive asteraceae family � is known by many names, from common yarrow all the way to old man�s pepper. Sprouting from the genus achillea, this plant is native to areas of the Northern Hemisphere, including Europe, North America, and regions of Asia. The leaves of this flower may be either tripinnate or bipinnate and have a distinctively feathery appearance. The inflorescent head of this blossom may have between 4 to 9 bracts, and they all contain between 15 to 40 disk flowers, and 3 to 8 ray flowers which develop in a round or oval shaped cluster. These clusters may form in colours of light yellow, pink or white.
 The yarrow flower got it�s scientific name � achillea millefolium � from the Greek myth of Achilles, who was said to have brought the plant into existence by dropping the rusted metal scraping of his spear to the earth below him, where flowers then sprang forth. In other stories it is said that the ancient Greeks frequently used yarrow flowers to staunch the bleeding and prevent infection from the wounds of fallen soldiers. Today, the yarrow flower is well loved by herbalists and holistic healers, as this plant has a number of medicinal uses. 
 They are sometimes dried and placed into capsules to help detoxify the body; they are used in teas to treat everything from poor digestion to headaches, and poultices are sometimes created to help in curing skin problems, heal infections and stop nosebleeds. In addition to having a myriad of curative effects, the yarrow flower has quite a history in magic. The dried flowers are occasionally used in divination � from reading your future by the way the leaves fall, to divining the names of future lovers.
 They are also used as talismans to protect yourself or others from evil. The leaves may seen scattered along doorways to keep bad people from entering your home; tied to the cradle of a newborn to keep its soul safe, or simply as an amulet to protect against physical, emotional or financial harm. Yarrow flowers are also favored by crafters, as these plants are easy to dry and arrange into a number of artistic pieces.

Yarrow flowers are often thought to represent both healing and inspiration. Many people give these blossoms as gifts to symbolize their concern for the recipient�s well-being, or to help them find joy and illumination in their lives. Although these flowers can look lovely on their own, they are frequently placed in large arrangements � sometimes as a filler plant. However, there are many ways that you can present it � from a fresh or dried bouquet to a handcrafted piece of protective, meaningful jewelry.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Foxgloves flowers.

Foxglove is a mainstay of the spring garden, where it occasionally reseeds if it finds the site to its liking. (In fact, the pea-sized capsules produce millions of small seeds.) This beautiful plant prefers full sun or medium shade and occasionally persists for 3-4 years if the border it�s growing in is open and the clump isn�t crowded by neighboring plants. It does best in a moderately fertile, well-drained soil that receives some water during the summer.
The plant is easy to grow from seed, which is best started outside in a flowerpot or flat in May or June. Just scatter the tiny seeds lightly on top of the potting mix and keep the medium moist until germination. In just 4-5 weeks, the seedlings should be ready for transplanting to a larger container. Be sure to fertilize your growing rosettes with a slow-release fertilizer.
Your foxgloves need some �in-ground� time to get established before the onset of cold weather. So when your rosettes are ready for the garden in September, make sure you plant them right where you want them for best results.
Use your foxgloves as single accent plants in the perennial border or in groups in whatever sunny spot for bold swaths of color. And remember, foxglove is toxic, so keep yours away from areas where children and pets play or where they can get into it. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Holly hocks flowers.

 During July and August there is no plant which adds so much to the stateliness of the flower garden as the Hollyhock.
 Hollyhock flowers, in rich and delicate colours, from the deepest crimsons and maroons, to blush pinks, whites and pale yellows, are borne in a long succession on tall stems 1 - 3 metres high.
Most hollyhocks are technicallybiennials - producing leaves the first year and flowers the next. However they often last longer than two years and so can be described as short lived perennials.
 The beauty of the hollyhock flower is much enhanced when displayed against a background such as a grey wall, fence, tall green hedge or a border of evergreen shrubs - yet hollyhocks should not really be planted close to hedges or shrubs as they both usually have very hungry roots which will take the nutrients needed by the hollyhock plant.
Hollyhocks seem especially at home in country towns and suburbs and thrive well in corners and narrow flower borders near walls where they are protected in the winter from execessive wet conditions. They are very drought resistant.
 The small annual hollyhock 'Majorette Mixed' which has large semi-double blooms is ideal to grow in a flower border with other annuals and perrenials.
The hollyhock is a favourite in the cottage garden
As hollyhocks grow to a great height and are often exposed to the full force of the wind it is best to provide strong stakes assupport.Hollyhocks love a deep, rich, loamy soil - but they will often thrive without it.
If you water hollyhocks during the summer months give them a thorogh soaking, followed by a mulch of well rotted manure.
There is a long succession of flowers, and as the lower blooms fade they should be picked off so that the plant is not weakened by the production of seed.When flowering is over for the season the plants may be cut down to about 15 - 20 centimetres high and the stump covered with coal ashes, if available. This keeps the slugs and snails away and causes water to drain away from the soft stem.
If taken care of in this way, hollyhock plants will often last for several yearsA stock of young plants of a favourite variety of hollyhock can easily be raised by selecting short side shoots form the base of a plant during September and October.
Insert the shoots into pots or trays and place in a closed shaded frame until the leaves become plump - a small amount of ventilation can then be given; too much will cause the leaves to wither.
As soon as the shoots have rooted give full light and air.

Holly hocks flowers.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Astilbe flowers info.

 The astilbe flower is thought to be one of the easiest perennials to grow and care for. Although they may be feathery and delicate in appearance, they are hardy plants that develop few diseases, attract very few pests and can survive in a variety of landscapes.
 The astilbe flower is native to areas of China and Japan, but during the early 20th century, famous German botanist George Arends introduced this plant to the United States. One of George Arends� best known hybrid groups is the Astilbe Arendsii Group, which is a combination of A. astilboides, thunbergii, chinensis, japonica, and can mostly be seen in creamy white and deep burgundy hues.
 Despite the fact that they can be grown practically anywhere, they are best suited to areas with moderate to full shade, and moist � but not drenched � soil. Astilbes come from a small genus of the saxifragaceae family, with only 18 species within in its group. Their foliage is similar in appearance to ferns, and their flowers come in mild, pretty shades of white, pink, maroon and lavender.
 Given the fact that the astilbe flower is both lovely to look at and easy to care for they are often given as gifts. Unlike most flowers, the symbolism of astilbe is not exactly prevalent. However, many believe that they are a symbol of patience and dedication to a loved one.
When presented to a beloved that will be away for a long period of time, they express the idea that you will wait for them. However, these flowers do not require any specific meaning to be given as gifts. They look beautiful in any bouquet, as potted plants, or even in dried arrangements.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Passion flowers.

Botanical Name of Passion Flower:
 Passiflora incarnata.
Other Common Names:
Maypop, passiflora, passionflower.
Passion flower is native to North, Central, and South America. This plant is mostly tropical, but some varieties may grow in colder climates. Passion flower prefers shaded, dry areas, such as those along fences and woods. It can be cultivated from a cutting or seeds in full sun with good drainage.
Plant Description:
The passion flower plant has a long vine which may grow to 9.2 meters in length. It has alternate, serrate leaves with finely toothed lobes. The white flowers have a purple center. The mystery of the beautiful blossom developing from an unassuming bud was compared to the Passion of Christ because the plant parts were thought to represent the crucifixion, giving rise to the name passion flower. This flower blooms from May to July. The fruit of this plant, which is called a granadilla, is a smooth, yellow, ovate berry containing many seeds.
Plant Parts Used:
The leaves, stems, and flowers are all used in medicinal uses.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

HD flowers wallpapers.

 dark pink gerberra flowers wallpapers.
 light purple gerberra flowers.
 white yellow gerberra flowers.
 sun flowers.
Tulip flowers.