Saturday, December 31, 2011

White clover flowers pictures.

 White clover (Trifolium repens) is naturally polymorphic for cyanogenesis (HCN production with tissue damage). Cyanogenesis protects plants from small herbivores, but frequencies of cyanogenic plants decrease in colder climates, possibly because cyanogenesis is detrimental to plants in areas of frequent frosts. The cyanogenesis polymorphism is controlled by two genes: Ac controls the presence/absence of cyanogenic glucosides, andLi controls the presence/absence of the enzyme required for their hydrolysis (linamarase). We are currently examining the molecular evolution of the cyanogenesis loci to understand the genetic basis and evolutionary dynamics of this adaptive variation.
 Clover is a very common weed of lawns. Clover has leaves with three leaflets, and creeping stems that set roots at whatever point they touch the ground. Flowers are white or pink (Trifolium repensTrifolium fragiferam). Clover, with white flowers, is a member of the pea family, Fabaceae. This means clovers can fix nitrogen from the air and therefore they favour poorly fertilised lawns. One method of preventing clovers from taking hold is to make sure your lawn is growing strongly and is well fertilised during the warmer, growing months.
 White clover, including white Dutch and Ladino, is the most widely grown clover in the world. It is an excellent pasture legume and is usually grown in association with cool season grasses. White clover grows best in humid areas of the temperate zones during cool, moist seasons. White clover provides high quality grazing, is an excellent nitrogen-fixing perennial legume, and can play an important role in soil conservation, soil improvement, and crop rotations.

Clovers have leaves in sets of three, and compact flower heads that consist of many tiny, pea-like, bilaterally symmetrical (2-sided) flowers. Some species have flowers that make excellent tea, and a few have edible flowers. Avoid bitter flowers that are turning brown, and choose those with the brightest color, which are tastiest.
 White clover was formerly a common component of turf mixes due to its ability to fix nitrogen. It is still currently available in mixes or by itself and may be useful in low management turf areas. It has the ability to persist at short mowing heights and can attract bees to lawns.

Red clover flowers pictures.

Botanical Name of Red Clover: Trifolium pratense L.
Other Common Names:
Beebread, cow clover, meadow clover, purple clover, trefoil, wild clover.
Red clover is a perennial herb that grows commonly in the wild throughout Europe, Asia and Africa and has been naturalised to North America. It is used as a grazing food for cattle and as a green manure as is a nitrogen�rich crop.
Red clover is a member of the Leguminosae family. It can grow to approximately 1-2 feet and has purple-pink tubular flowers. Its name is derived from Latin: tres for three and folium for leaf and pratense for growing in meadows.
Plant Parts Used:
Flower heads. Red clover is generally taken as a standardised extract in tablet form. Red clover leaves are eaten as a salad and the flowers are dried for use in teas.
 Red Clover has been called one of  "God's greatest blessings to man" and is said to be a wonderful blood purifier and cleanser and has been used to treat serious invasive disease, debilitating wasting diseasesexcess mucus in the lungs and elsewhere, irritable bowel gout, kidney and liver ailments, and that is just the beginning!  This vitally nutritional, mineral-rich herb is a great tonic for overall good health that no one should be without.  Red Clover even rebuilds worn out soil; imagine what it can do for your body!
Red Clover is a hardy perennial of short duration that may be found in abundance throughout Europe, Asia, and the Mediterranean area, and it was introduced to Australia and North America (it is the state flower of Vermont). Red Clover is one of about 230 species of legumes that has been an important forage crop since the Middle Ages, and, in fact, Red Clover is the most important leguminous forage crop in northern Europe that not only benefits animals, but also rebuilds tired and worn out soil. It is also eaten in salads and included in honey as a flavoring. Red Clover is an erect-to-sprawling plant with long-stalked, hairy stems, arising from one root and bearing smooth leaves that are divided into three leaflets, hence, its botanical name, Trifolium, which is derived from two Latin words, tri, meaning "three" and folium, meaning "leaf." The stems bear purple-pink, tubular, fragrant flowers that are borne in globose heads that bloom in the late spring. Red Clover grows to a height of two feet and thrives in moist, well-drained, neutral soil in sun, and the flower heads with upper leaves are harvested in summer as they open and are dried as a sweet, cooling herb that is used in medicinal preparations.
 Red Clover has been used by herbalists for years to treat various cancers. Used externally in poultices, it has been employed as a local application for cancerous growths (also leprosy, old ulcers, acne and pellagra).  When taken internally, it is said to be helpful for serious diseases of the stomach, ovaries, breast, throat and lymphatic system. It has also been made into a gargle for the relief of esophageal disease, and the National Cancer Institute has substantiated the fact that Red Clover does, in fact, contain anti-cancer properties. It is a deeply rooted plant, which is said to account for its abundance of minerals, and some of the constituents in Red Clover include beta-sitosterol, caffeic and other acids, coumarin, eugenol, flavonoids, methyl salicylate, salicylic acid, calcium, chromium, lecithin, choline, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, zinc, molybdenum, beta-carotene and vitamins B-3, C and E. 

Friday, December 30, 2011

Everlasting flowers pictures.

Everlasting Flower
  • Member of the Asteraceae or Compositae (aster family).
  • Native to Australia.
  • Common related species include chrysanthemum, marigold, zinnia, dandelion and lettuce.
  • Flowers have papery, stiff petals and each stem bears one to many flowers.
  • Stems to three feet. However, there are dwarf forms that can be used in border plantings, some are trying them as potted plants.
  • Flowers are not fragrant.
  • From the Greek "helios" (the sun) and "chryson" (golden). The specific epithet bracteatum is in reference to the much reduced leaves (bracts) associated with the flowers.
  • The Compositae or aster family is vast, with over 20,000 species, and is also one of the most developed families. It was named Compositae because the flowers are actually a "composite" of many individual flowers into one head. Hence, when children pull one "petal" off at a time, saying "she/he loves me, loves me not", they are actually removing a complete flower, not just a petal.

  • Two common names for Helichrysum are Everlasting and Immortelle in reference to the flowers lasting almost forever when dried.
  • Most commonly used as dried flowers. Stems are often replaced by wire, as stems do not last nearly as long as the flowers. Or, leaves must be stripped from stems (to reduce rotting) if the stems are to remain.
Flower ColorWhite, yellow, orange, brown, pink, violet, red and many combinations thereof. Storage Specifics34-38F.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Laurel flowers pictures.

 Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) is the official Pennsylvania State Flower. The Mountain Laurel is perhaps the most beautiful of native American shrubs. Mountain Laurel, a wild flower, is also the state flower of Connecticut. The Mountain Laurel plant was originally brought to Europe as an ornamental plant during the 18TH century. Mountain Laurel is widely grown for its attractive flowers.
 Laurel flowers � occasionally referred to as mountain laurels � are a single species in the kalmia genus, which is a member of the ericaceae family. Although many people think of the lauraceae family when they think of laurels, this family�s flowers are tiny and inconspicuous, and tend to blend in with the rest of the plant. On the other hand, mountain laurels are slightly larger � growing roughly one inch across � and come in a very clear shade of snowy white with dark pink accents, or a simple shade of light pink. These blossoms are native to areas of the eastern United States, and burst forth from evergreen shrubs.
 Modern gardeners are not the only ones to confuse laurel flowers with lauraceae family plants. Because of the appearance of the leaves � which are superficially similar to those of laurus nobilis, or bay leaves � Europeans, who came upon this plant in the New World, began calling them laurel shrubs. Their scientific name, however, differentiated these two families. Although their first recorded piece of history came about in 1624, they were not given a proper scientific name until some time during the 18TH century, when Pehr Kalm sent samples of the plant to the Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus. 
 The wood of these plants were once used by Native Americans to create makeshift utensils; while early settlers once used the wood to create arbors for clockworks. Though these plants are considered quite toxic, especially to small animals, many people still note their strong medicinal properties � albeit less frequently in more modern times. They are best known as being a powerful analgesic and antiseptic, and are frequently used to treat a variety of skin conditions, scratches and cuts. They are also used to help in easing arthritis, ridding the system of parasites, and relieving the sound of ringing in the ears.
Laurel flowers are thought to represent ambition, as well as success and renown. As a gift, these blossoms are most commonly given to those heading into new phases of their life � starting a new job, going to school, even getting married or having children. They are meant to represent a wish for the recipient to have all of the success in the world, or to continue to push on with their lofty ambitions, despite any roadblocks they may come across.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Globe flowers pictures.

white globe flower.
   blossoms with perfectly round flower heads atop ribbed stems. Plants grow two to five feet tall and almost as wide. The spiny-edged leaves are white and woolly underneath.
 Globe thistles require full sun for strong growth but are not fussy about soil. Once established, they are very drought-resistant. Protect plants from aphids, and stake them if necessary.
 The larger species are impressive when used in background plantings or when grown as specimen plants. The smaller types are attractive in a bed, border, or wild garden.

purple globe flower.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Cone flowers pictures.

About Coneflowers
Cone flowers grow a beautiful flowerhead with a round central disk surrounded by long, thin pedals. These plants are native to North America and they look lovely in home gardens. There three different varieties of cone flowers with a vast array of colors.
 Coneflower Varieties
There are 3 main varieties of Coneflowers:

Echinacea - Commonly called the purple coneflower. 
Ratibida - Commonly called the prairie coneflower.
Rudbeckia - Called coneflowers or black eye susan.

 Planting Cone flowers
Coneflowers can handle limited water and poor soil conditions, although they prefer fertile soil. Their tolerance and hardiness makes them great choices for a low-water garden. These flowers grow in full sun to partial shade, preferring well-drained soil with lots of air circulation around their stems to prevent rot.

 Height: 2-5" feet
Spacing: 12-18" inches
Depth: 1/4" inch
Germination: 10-14 days

 Rake a fine soil and then spread your daisy seeds over the soil. Place 1/4" inch of fine soil over the seeds. Water gently and be sure not to disturb the daisy seeds.
Growing Coneflowers
Cone flowers are very easy to care for needing little to no care. They will grow great no matter the heat, humidity, drought, or cold weather! The only thing needed keep them looking good is mow them down in the fall. For the botanically interested, you can also propagate this one by root cuttings.  So, if you have one of the nicer forms that doesn't come true from seed, division or root cuttings will easily increase the numbers. Cone flowers, which not only provide nearly foolproof, perennial garden colour and fragrance but also long-lasting cut flowers. The bright blossoms are beloved by butterflies; the cones of seeds that remain after the petals drop attract goldfinches and other songbirds.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Lobelia flowers images.

  • Type
  • Propagation
  • Light
    full or partial shade
  • Flower Color
  • Bloom Time
  • Height
    3-9 inches
  • Width
    6 inches
  • Soil Requirements
    neutral pH, well drained, moist
  • Zones
  • Uses
    window boxes, hanging baskets, planters, groundcover, border edging

  •  Lobelia was introduced more than 200 years ago from the region around the Cape of Good Hope. The original wild forms of lobelia have been bred to bloom more profusely. There are both trailing varieties, with billowing masses of blossoms, and more compact bedding types, seldom exceeding 6 inches in height.

     The 1/2- to 3/4-inch-wide flowers, borne along each stem, are blue on the common varieties, but white and carmine types have also been developed.

     Lobelia is prized for window boxes, hanging baskets, planters, and ground covers. Although the plants do best in full sun and moist, rich soil where summers are cool, they will grow surprisingly well in hot areas if given partial shade.

     Lobelia is not sown directly in the garden because it does not begin to flower until two months after seed is planted. Start the seeds indoors 10 to 12 weeks before the last frost is due; since the seeds are very small, plant them on top of finely prepared soil without covering them. Most nurseries and garden supply stores offer started plants already in bloom. 
    Transplant after all danger of frost is past, spacing them 4 to 6 inches apart. Remove flower spikes after blooming to produce further growth. 'Rosamund' is the pictured cultivar.