Saturday, October 29, 2011

flowers photo frames designs.

flowers photo frames designs.

plastics flowers wallpapers.

 plastic flowers basket photo.
 plastic flowers plants image.
 plastic flowers wallpaper.
plastic flower decoration piece photo. 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

paper flowers decoration.

 round circle paper flowers decoration.
 Check out these sweet paper decoration, you can make one for every holiday if you have a little imagination.
 these paper flowers look like as gerbera flowers,
this paper flower decoration make this invitational card looking nice, 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Paper Flowers decoration.

 yellow drawing flowers in a chord .
 hanging tissue paper flower decorations. 
 card paper flowers decorations.
paper flowers decoration, for some occasions these decorations are nice , i.e: birth day parties, Easter time on chrismax time , these paper flowers decoration are very easy to make at home. every body can make it, very easy and simple but nice for decoration.

Monday, October 24, 2011

ribbon flowers designs.

Beautiful ribbon flowers.

paper flowers.

 card paper flowers.
 coloured paper flowers.
 tissue paper flowers.
 tissue paper rose flower photo.
tissue paper decoration flower.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

White Elder flowers.

 Sambucus nigra  is widely found in Europe, western Asia, and North Africa growing naturaly and is often cultivated. It is naturalised in North America where the native species is  S. canadensis .

European elder is a shrub or small tree growing to a height of about 10m (33ft) ;  American elder grows to a height of about 4m (13ft). The branches of the plant have a brownish grey corky bark, and there is a large proportion of soft, light, whitish pith. Its leaves have 5 � 7 toothed leaflets. The creamy white elderflower gives rise to purplish black fruit. Herbal products are normally obtained from the flowers.
 The natural health benefits of elderberries and elderflower is by no means a modern discovery, with a long history of traditional use among European herbalists documented since ancient times in the writings of  Dioscorides, Hippocrates and Pliny the Elder. In recent years dietary supplements and other natural health products containing extracts, juices or syrups of European elder have become popular in America  as remedies for the treatment of cold and flu symptoms, marketed primarily through natural food stores alongside other popular herbal remedies used for treatment or prevention of upper respiratory tract infections and other symptoms associated with colds and flues.
white elder flower tree branch. 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

crown of thorns flowers.


Common NameCrown-of-Thorns, Christ Plant, Christ Thorn

Botanical NameEuphorbia milii var. splendens (u-FOR-bee-a MIL-ee-eye)

Decorative LifeWeeks, months to years, depending on use.
Post Harvest Care:
  • Treat more like a cactus. Provide plenty of light (even full sunlight) to maintain leaves and flowers.

 Family Roots:

  • Member of the Euphorbiaceae (spurge) family.
  • Native to Madagascar.
  • Related species include poinsettia, caster-oil-plant (yummie!) and croton.


  • Plant is classed as a dicotyledon, leaves not parallel veined.
  • Leaves are roundish, up to 2 inches long, and stems are thorny.
  • Flowers occur in pairs on leafless stems held above leaves, up to 1 inch wide.
  • Flowers are not fragrant.

 crown of thorns flowers plant.

  • Named after Euphorbus, the physician to the king of Mauritania, Juba.
  • In addition to the many ornamental species in this family, others yield rubber, edible fruits and roots and have valuable medicinal properties.
  • Many Euphorbia species have been shown to cause dermatitis related problems with some individuals but the precise potential reactions (if any) from this species have not been located to date in the literature.
  • Possible better known as Euphorbia splendens.

Friday, October 21, 2011

clothes flowers designs.

 silk cloth flower design.
 beautiful fabric flowers designs .
 cloth flower design for gift.
 basket of cloth flowers.

Even if you think you can't sew, these fabric flowers are super-duper easy!  You just have to try one! 
If you don't have any fabric lying around you could use an old sheet, clothes that the kids have outgrown, little baby things that you love (imagine giving grandma a flower brooch made from pieces of fabric from all her grandkids favorite clothes!), dishcloths that have outlived their usefulness and anything else made from fabric.
Here's what you need to get started:
Needle & Thread
Circle Template (I used a juice glass)
Fabric Marking Pencil (a regular pencil would probably do the job)
Step One
First choose the fabric you'll use for the petals.  I love how different patterns & colors looked mix-matched, but you could use all the same fabric.
Next trace the circle template onto your fabric. 
The larger the circle you use, the large your petals and flower will be.
Step Two
Cut out your circles.
Step Three
Once you've cut your circles, iron, iron, iron! (remember how I feel about ironing?)
Believe me this really effects the look of your project. 
And the fabric is so much easier to work with when crisply ironed. :)
Don't "drag" your iron across the fabric, but actually just press and lift, press and lift.  Dragging will cause your fabric to stretch and be misshapen.
See?   So much prettier!
Step Four
Now you'll fold your circle in half and then in half again, *pressing* after each fold.
Step Ten

Once you have all your petals folded and pressed, it's time to stitch!
Start at the bottom corner of the curved side and make long gather stitches across the curve to the other side.
(Normally you would use matching thread, but in this case I used a contrasting thread so you could see a little better.)
Step Five
Now gently pull the the thread to gather your petal.
Step Six
Once your petal is gathered begin the gathering stitches on the next petal without cutting the thread so the petals are connected.
Continue stitching, gathering and connecting until all your petals are complete.
Step Seven
Now that you're finished gathering all your petals you'll need to close the gap by stitching the last petal to the first.

Step Eight
Next choose a button for the center of your flower. 